

I’ve read a lot of Klaine fics. A lot. Often, when I’m searching for something to read, it takes a while to find something good, or I end up with the generic, popular ones. There are many out there which are undiscovered gems. I wanted to create somewhere where you could come, type a criteria in, and find a fic.

Please suggest a fic if you’ve read something which you’ve really enjoyed, and I shall get to it as soon as I can.

I’m not going to be able to run this site by myself; if you have a WordPress account, and are confident with how to use the site, then please contact me here and we’ll talk.

Lastly, if I have posted a fic that you really enjoy, please comment on it. Say what you liked or just say that you loved it. This will enable more people to see the favourite fics, and thus more will read it. Do it for the fic writers who spend hours slaving away on sculpting chapters for us. Give them a little something more to smile about. (You can comment whether or not you have a WordPress account)

Klaine fics signature


Key to the website links:

Note: in order to find a link to the story, click on these on each fic post and it’ll take you to the first or introductory page.

fanfiction fanfiction.net

scarvesandcoffee.net scarves&coffee

tumblr tumblr.com

archiveofourown.org ao3

deviantart deviantart.com

quoth-the-warbler.org quoth-the-warbler

wordpress wordpress.com

wattpad.com wattpad

livejournal livejournal.com

klaineficspdfs.tumblr.com pdf

If you know of any other websites which include klaine fanfiction, please let me know. Please note, this is a forum for Klaine (Kurt and Blaine) fanfiction. We do not accept any other Kurt or Blaine ships (unless Klaine-centric) or CrissColfer works.


Quick Links:

message about issue

suggest a fic

offer to join the team

contribute your favourites


Search by:  title

